チェリスト・講師 山嵜 加奈 


​3歳よりピアノを始めプロを目指すが、通っていたピアノ教室の隣りの部屋から漏れ聴こえる重厚なチェロの音色に惹かれ11歳でチェロを始める。4年後、NHK名古屋青少年交響楽団に入団。大学在学中、イタリアのCupra Musica Festivalに参加。2009年大阪サミットコンクール審査員特別賞受賞、受賞者記念演奏会に出演。大学卒業後は、演奏活動の他、チェロをもっと広めたいという想いから、後進の指導も行ってきました。レッスンにおいては、これまで100名以上の生徒さんと出逢ってきた経験から、お一人おひとりの身体や特徴に合わせ、チェロの構え方や奏法を含めたアドバイスを行っています。皆様のチェロの世界がより素晴らしいものとなりますように。

Kana Yamazaki is a Cellist and Teacher who graduated of the Aichi Prefectural University Of Fine Arts and Music. I started to play the piano at the age of three and wanted to become pianist, but I fell in love with the sound of the cello when I was 11 years old. Four years later, I passed an audition for the NHK Nagoya Junior Orchestra and joined. When I was at university, I took part in the Cupra Musica Festival in Italy. I was awarded the 2009 Jury's Special Prize at the Osaka Summit Competition, and performed at the winners' memorial concert. After graduating from university, in addition to performing, I have also taught students with the aim of spreading the cello further. I give advice on how to hold and play the cello, based on my experience with over 100 students. I wish you all the best in your cello studies.

My professional career

Playing at concerts
Private lessons 

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